Virgin Beta Cells Persist throughout Life at a Neogenic Niche within Pancreatic Islets
Virtual slicing of a 3D reconstructed islet from a mouse carrying Ins1-H2b-mCherry as well as
Fluorescent glucose uptake in an islet over time.
Streptozotocin-mediated death of mature beta cells spares immature beta cells at the islet edge.
Visualization of alpha to beta trans-differentiated cells at the periphery of an Ins1-H2bmCherry
x Gcg-Cre x lsl-eYFP triple transgenic islet.
Stereotypical alpha cell calcium activity measured by GCaMP6 upon AVP stimulation followed by stereotypical beta cell GCaMP6 activity upon continued high glucose stimulation.
Alpha-to-beta transdifferentiated cell calcium (GCaMP6) activity is indistinguishable from that of beta cells.
Beta-to-alpha transdifferentiated cell calcium (GCaMP6) activity is indistinguishable from that of alpha cells.